
Touch Moonflower’s 300 page exercise in “creating the conditions we describe”, A Provisional Manual of West Coast Tantrik Psychedelic Druidry, is finally seeing the light of day as a physical object.

Circulating privately for years, with excerpts popping up on Twitter or passed around among friends and lovers, existing in a possibly apocryphal German translation, this intricately-detailed fantasia, dogma and pragma of a religion that could never exist and yet always has, described by the author as “a cathedral built entirely of gargoyles”, is being released in four editions which are now available in the store:



As many may know, Touch’s house burned down this Summer — possibly the result of infernal energies raging in a hopeless quest to stop publication of this very book. He and his family are safe and sound and determined to rebuild — but reeling from the expense. So, we have decided to bootstrap publication with a crowdfund:

Please support this project as generously as you can! Not only will the finished product be an object of talismanic beauty, the text itself is engineered to foment spiritual revolution and blow minds by transporting all who read it to a nondual dreamstate of oracular erotic lovingkindness.


Miscellaneous articles by Touch. Do not read if you value your sanity.